Monday, October 31, 2011

You Know That Guy

So, I totally forgot about posting until I was already in bed last night. The truth is that I have been loving these poems, but I forget about them until Sunday night. I need to remind myself somehow during the week. Anyway, here is my poem. Thanks all for posting your poems, they are wonderful.

Ya know that guy who sits in the back?
The one who seems not to lack?
He's happy and fun,
but doesn't get much done.

Ya know that guy who shirks his work,
but never skips out on being a jerk?
Yet he is cool and surreal,
and never seen wearing teal.

Ya know that guy who is not tall nor fat,
the one who's always wearing a hat,
he pulls it low down his face,
so he can sleep at his own pace?

Ya know that guy who's failing class?
Well he's also failing math.
He never says a word,
the little terd.

Ya know that guy, well now he sells fries
He even wears a shirt and ties,
Though he's got a new hat.
He wears it when he asks "want fries with that".

You know that guy we gloried.
Well his plans were foiled.
I'm glad we're in college
and full of knowledge.


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