Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I am the master of my cough
I am the captain of my cold!

Okay, so that doesn't really make any sense. I just wanted to say sorry for not writing. I've been feeling a little under the weather, and this weekend was quite busy with stake conference (I have a stake calling) and Halloween parties. But I did read some delicious Zombie Haiku. Here are some of my favorites:

dyslexic zombies
crave brains but relentlessly
stalk Brians instead

Grading papers, late,
teacher dozes. zombies come
in to pick her brains.

"i'm having a brain
freeze," i said. "i'll have one too,"
said thirsty zombie.

And for Becky because she studied English:

Thoreau a zombie?
who else would want to suck out
the marrow of life?

Enjoy. I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween.


  1. By the way, Becky thought the one for her was hilarious but she kept forgetting to comment :)

  2. I was going to get on to comment! That was awesome Katie :) I've been thinking about a fun one to do for Faulkner. But not many words rhyme with it...
