Sunday, November 27, 2011


Sometimes I'd like to think Satan is like Gollum.
That he was once my brother, but
with a chink of pride within his heart.
That he just fell a bit away,
and bits became great.
I'd like to think the rest of his goodness
is still there.
Still exists.
Just forgotten beneath the layers of
I'd like to think he loves.
I'd like to think he remembers sometimes.
When he's lonely,
or sick of being alone on Christmas.
I'd like to think he misses his mother.
I'd like to think he's like Captain Hook
or Prince John...just
lost in a fairly tale for awhile.
Distracted by the sparklies in the world.
Like he forgot to grow up and be like his daddy,
find the woman of his dreams,
have a son of his own.

I'd like to think that someday he'll be there at the reunion.
Like a long lost uncle who eventually made it back.
It's just hard to imagine that a son of God,
whom the angels loved and mourned,
won't come home because he hates it's light.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ceased to be

I tried to make it nice hun
I really really did
I wanted you to like it babe
but sometimes I just cant win
I used the level like you told me to
I even measured it out
but something went askew love
and it just isn't very right.
I tried to make it nice hun
I really really tried
but I am at a loss for words dear
at how this came to be
but somewhere between the wall
and the hammer
the nail ceased to be.

I have been trying to decorate the home and get pictures up on the walls because Jameson said it makes it feel more like home. So as a surprise, I was hanging up pictures and I got one stuck in the wall...and... I tried to pull it out but it just wouldn't come out! So, I used both hands, and with the hammer, it did come out. But I have no idea where it is. I had 2 friends come and try separately. But before you freak out, I did vacuum the floor before Chloe went on it again and rearranged the furniture. It really did cease to be.

Outrageously outraged

"What blasphemy!" You cry
with an outraged indignation.
"How dare you such a wrong?"
I couldn't help but care even less
as you stared me down
with the line in the middle of your eyebrows
furrowed deep
accentuating the vein that runs
just above your left eye.
Funny how you feel so completely,
at something so small that has no bearing
on your personal enjoyment.
Regardless, I won't listen to your
throes and complaints.
I'm listening to Christmas music
this week,
be it before Thanksgiving
or no.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011



Scrub scrub porcelain curves
left and right
up and down the under belly
chemical tickling my nose
clean sweeping cloth catching
dust, grime; kicks up of life.
Her story plays in my ears
like gentle notes reminding
of the beauties of my pleasured existence.

The hard, porcelain facts
that my body can crouch,
bend, reach, scrub
such a trivial thing as a toilet.

Playing on and on
rising up as gentle, pure tides,
her testimony washes me.
Glimmering truths I have yet
to know, but can feel the light of
in this small room,
Even as my body quietly pulses and aches
through another cycle,
my movement is ease.
She speaks of divinity, of purpose,
of privilege.
I scrub over and under and know
I have purpose,
I have privilege.
My body works, cleans, runs.
My breath is blessed and even.
My life is beautiful
full of simple, wonderful, capability
and promise.

One day with another cloth
I will wipe the goobers
from my baby's eyelashes.
Left and right,
up and down.
And it will be a gentle privilege.
To be able to lift and stand
and rock my children until their breath
becomes even.
Until like the tides they subside into
temporary slumbers.
Blessed to awaken to lives
of purposeful simplicities.
Divine and beautiful.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Soft laughs, strange faces,

Nervous looks, timid gazes,

Only empty, meaningless phrases.

Awkward gestures—silent pleas—

All around an endless nothing.

Reaching outward, inward fleeing.

Still hopes, unspoken longing,

Secret dreams, feeling, knowing,

Beneath the foreign, cold façade,

Something real—light discerned—

In its unseen splendor waiting.

Reaching outward, inward glowing.

They choose not to understand

It makes perfect sense
I'd never second guess
but still there are
those people in class
that snicker and make light
they do not understand
what is black and what is white
it seems so simple
there is no long division or math
the message is clear
the teacher is precise
yet they sit there laughing
making fun
trying to ignore what they
cant comprehend
it takes some patience to
sit and not make a fuss
i guess i am the lucky one
blessed with inherent
belief and desire
but still I look round and
how could a message of
love and peace
of joy
be so easily pushed aside

Sunday afternoon, 3pm

Hypno, Hypno
So the pendulum swings
I can't help but follow
With my mind
Back and forth, back and forth,
While Hypno devours my dreams
This, I solemnly say, is why
I preach my fatigue
As you knowingly sigh
Ad wish I would just close my mouth.
Hypno is haunting my sleep.
I try to fight z's
By slowly snacking
But pounds are my only reward.
I stand and I walk
But my feet are like rocks,
I play with my child,
I think of the 'Hawks,
My fantasy players I've added and dropped,
How Shepherd will get us
All out of this mess,
But still, they're only
Distractions at best.
I know once I'm finished
And back to the place
Where reality tells you
"Enough is enough,
You can't stay awake,"
Hypno will come
And lull me away
While the preacher continues his sermon.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Slacker's Tale

So, because I'm late again... I'm writing about being a slacker again. Sorry, I'll try to be better.

A Slacker there once was that was a crash
He came into the classroom full of trash
Coming in, he gave no care of the world
Ragged clothes he wore, he looked half twirl'd
The teacher spoke, repeatedly like sheep
When class starts, it is time for him to sleep
Dozing off was the best method in life;
It was the only way to get through rife
Snoring loudly, he disturbed the whole class
The teacher just left him alone in a mass
When class was over, he still was a king
"What's going on?", he'd missed the whole thing
"Just give me the paper," the teacher chased,
So he left the class with a dreadful face (in disgrace)
He spent the next week playing all day long,
Not knowing that he was extremely wrong.
When the night before the project is due,
He still has that paper to do.
He scrambles to gather his stuff for work
At the start, he was not going to shirk
But then he got distracted once again
Fun is the only thing, so he put down his pen
Yet again, back to his real features
Next day, he had nothing for his teachers
And his grade tumbled down in the abyss
He spent the rest of his life just like this,
Giving no care of the world or his time
A slacker, he was, who died in his prime
He will end up being the next waiter,
Serving people who tried hard to get greater
Do not be a lazy, sluggish cracker!
So this was the tale of the slacker

And because I'm two days late... I'll do two poems.
This one I wrote awhile ago... like 10 years or so and updated today.

Dear Grizzly Bear,

Great grey and grizzly brown bear of the wild,
Why do you seem so deadly you could eat a child?
You may be the second larger bear species in the world
But you seem to eat vegetables and haven't hurled.
But it seems that you are only defending your food and territory
Yet there is no need to worry
You sound so alone in your solitary life of wandering
Would you perhaps like to be flandering?
Yet you love to fight and ruble with others if you get the chance.
A loud roar fills the air s you strike with claws and teeth in a dance.
You stand on your feet as a human with all of your 700 pounds
No wonder you make so many sounds.
Even though you were born as bald as a rock in the sun
I like how on your tail you've always got your won little son
He, like you was as helpless as a turtle on its back,
When at first you came out to meet the pack
Your short tail does nothing for you except to make you adorable,
Yet so cute as to attract predators who think your coat is enjoyable
You must stay away from their guns and other dangers if you are to stay in existence
But don't worry, you were made to go the distance.
I hope you survive in your little world
Even if you are a little furled.

Sincerely, Bob Hope
But this ain't no joke

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Return of... The Slackers!!

C and T went on vacation

to a fairly sandy nation.

Now they're home, half asleep,

with horrid poetry for you peeps.

...Yep that was it.

~Stay tuned for more questionable poetry tomorrow.~

I do have one short poem. I wrote this November 1st.


I believe I have my mothers ears,
my fathers eyes and mouth.
My mothers eyebrows
and one mix-between chin;
this nose...who knows?

My cheeks are Heintz,
my jaw is White,
my height purely Dahlgren.
These hips are Cummings,
and curves up Hanson.

Freckles from sunspots.
Arm hair; daddy's.
Skin? Hades.
And yet my spirit
fits my body, soul combined
into who I am already,
and still,
and yet
to be

Goodnight everybody


Note: Read from left to right. Sorry the formatting is weird. I can't figure out spacing very well.


One falls
falls hard like a
great wooden oak
felled by the woodcutter's axe.

One falls
falls soft and smooth
as baby birds
finding and spreading their wings.

To crash with a deafening roar
or rise on the wind in fresh flight,

which will be my course?

As swift comes the fall,
as swiftly I crash,
or I soar.

Ode to Books

Smooth and rough it's all the same
Thick and thin short and tall
bringing love and sometimes pain
lots of fun when you hit a wall
and when outside is nothing but rain

but often forgotten on the shelf
under the bed or propping the door
when inside is hidden a lifetime of wealth
adventures, romances and all sorts of lore
secrets of improvement and health

how easily we forget what teaches us most
and the joy found in pages unturned
instead we move on to things dry as toast
losing sight of what we once yearned
instead of experiencing the deep just standing on the coast

novels, magazines, pamphlets and chronicles
are treasures meant to be spent
not buried under ground or forgotten like barnacles
so pick one up ladies and gents'
and perhaps you'll learn something anatomical!

hahaha anatomical... yeah, all I could think of to rhyme with it. But seriously, I've had a hard time remembering how much I love books so here is a fun little reminder that as busy as life gets we all have time to better ourselves with a little reading. And yes, i think it is a betterment. Besides, isn't there a General Authority that reads a novel every week? I think we have something to learn from General Authorities.. just saying'.

Wizarding Ways

I am the wizard;
I cast my spells,
fighting through castles and dungeon cells.

My sword choice is heavy
My armor choice, plate,
Unless as a thief I slip in through the gates.

I take to the skies,
Searching far reaching space,
Encountering alien race after race.

My gun stays full-loaded
As I snap a clip in.
Burst after burst quelled the demon of sin.

My monsters are they
who fight at my command,
Five stay at my belt while one rests in my hand.

The hero of all
Who will save all the land
Powers down and turns out to be thoroughly bland.

I works 6 to 6
Tuck my child in bed
But laying down, fantasy rules in my head.

This responsible man
Never means to be rude,
While my sighing wife knows that the wizard needs food

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I am the master of my cough
I am the captain of my cold!

Okay, so that doesn't really make any sense. I just wanted to say sorry for not writing. I've been feeling a little under the weather, and this weekend was quite busy with stake conference (I have a stake calling) and Halloween parties. But I did read some delicious Zombie Haiku. Here are some of my favorites:

dyslexic zombies
crave brains but relentlessly
stalk Brians instead

Grading papers, late,
teacher dozes. zombies come
in to pick her brains.

"i'm having a brain
freeze," i said. "i'll have one too,"
said thirsty zombie.

And for Becky because she studied English:

Thoreau a zombie?
who else would want to suck out
the marrow of life?

Enjoy. I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween.